Kinder Goals

Dear Chipmunk,

I am so proud of you! You are graduating to Kindergarten. There are lots of things to learn this year and I know you will do great! I look forward to having fun with you as you further grasp concepts of your life, your world, and God’s Word. I cannot wait to see how well you conquer everything I give you. You are such a great boy and it is my joy to teach you.

Here are the goals that mommy has for you this year:
·        Memorize the Days of Creation
·        Memorize Genesis 1:1 (be able to tell mommy what it means)
·        Learn about great men and leaders of the Bible (Noah, Samuel, Daniel, and Jesus)

·        Practice self control, helping hands vs. hurting  hands
·        Walk in love; being a good brother
·        Practice leadership/initiative and servant hood
·        Honor parents; be obedient
·        Contribute to family, doing my part

·        Count to 100 independently by 1s, 5s, & 10s
·        Learn coin ID and value
·        Count backwards (1-20)
·        Know largest/smallest & before/after (1-20)
·        Addition and subtraction facts (1 plus a number 1-9)
·        Distinguish small and big hands on the clock
·        Tell him to the “o’clock” hour

Life Skills: Money
·        Aware of God’s intention for money
·        Learns basic stewardship over money
·        Tell someone what “tithe” is
·        Place earned money in his “saving-giving-spending” jars respectively

·        Develops skills in reading readiness, science, math, and social studies using 5 basic thinking skills: classification, similarities/differences, sequence, analogy and logic
·        Complete age-level puzzles

·        Master lower case letter formation
·        Begin simple sentences (subject + verb + noun)
·        Write to pen pal
·        Uses letter sounds to spell out simple words

·        Recognize and read blends and CVC words
·        Distinguish short and long vowels
·        Read “Little Owl” Books independently
·        Read pre-primer and primer sight words
·        Appreciate stories/literature
·        Recite simple poems

·        Learn traditional fun songs and crafts
·        Development of motor skills in drawing, coloring, cutting, and pasting
·        Increase hand-eye coordination

·        Learn mommy’s cell phone number, learn your address
·        Gain awareness of Community Helpers
·        Gain awareness of “My State”

·        Learn and explore a variety of sea creatures
·        Learn how to take care of my body (rest, exercise, food, and Bible)

·        Exercise at least 15 minutes daily (from habit)
·        Begin basketball

·        Learn basic Spanish words/phrases: numbers, greetings, scriptures, songs, colors, seasons, alphabet, etc


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