Field Trips

In all my school planning, I made sure to include a few field trips. I am sure I would have remembered the "big ones", but it was my goal this year to purposely enrich my boys' learning with their studies. After I planned the entire year (curriculum and all) I searched for field trips that would marry well with whatever we happen to be reading, studying, or "getting our feet wet" in at the time. I am sure I will add a few others I am still on the fence about. Stay tuned for  updates!

So, without further ado, here is our field trip list for the 13-14 school year!

Chattahoochee River (for walks by the river)
GA Aquarium (we're studying sea animals, so it seems fitting)

Wild Safari (we are excited to hop on a tour bus and drive though a park of animals!)
Zoo Atlanta (maybe, Safari may be all we need)
Yellow River Game Ranch 

Fernbanks' Planetarium
US Space & Rocket (my oldest will go's a secret!)

Historic Westville (Homeschool Day: make 19th C crafts and learn how they lived)
Rock Ranch (Pilgrim & Pioneers)
Museum of History & Holocaust (We're visiting "Hollywood goes to War" and "Children in the Holocaust.")
MLK Jr's Home (need I say more?)
Booth Western Art Museum (seeking The West and cowboys!)
Telephone Museum 

Explorations in Antiquity (biblical archaeological dig,  baking "Old Testament" bread, and making our own butter!)

Cobb Wind Symphony (attending their "Sounds of the Season" for the holidays and their "Young Persons Concert" for concert etiquette and music credit.)

  Family/Life Skills
Touch-a-Truck (gov't vehicles for us to touch and get inside for picture and exploration)
Atlanta Parent's Block Party
Wren's Nest (story telling)
Strand Theater (exposing the kiddies to theater etiquette)
INK (life skills galore, and they have a flight exhibit my son would jump out his skin for)
Mayfield Ice Cream Factory (learning about factories with ice cream on top)
Six Flags Homeschool Day
Local Library

Airport Park (eat lunch and watch the planes take off!)
Delta Museum of Flight (planes up close and personal)


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