Friday, November 29, 2013

Gift Tags

In an effort to make Christmas and gift giving more meaningful, our family “shakes the tree” with three Christmas gifts per child. (My mother has a tradition of allowing my brothers and me to open one gift on the night of Christmas Eve. I just could not part with this tradition so likewise our sons do receive a Christmas Eve gift; but we do make it clear that their Christmas gifts are a set three resembling what Jesus was given.)

I normally choose two different gift wraps for both of my sons so I can easily know whose is who. However, I was having a hard time keeping up with which gift was which. After all, what sense does it make to have such a meaningful gift exchange and my sons are not aware of what they are and their mother keeps loosing track?

To help me (and include them), I created these cute, fun gift tags that label each present and includes a special poem to help them remember.

If you just so happen to give gifts in this same way, I have a freebie for you right before December!

Gift Tags: The 3 Gifts Jesus Received

Remember, God created you for His glory!

Miss Mom


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