Friday, November 1, 2013

Daily Prayer for Wife & Mom


Here is a simple, yet powerful prayer I created to cover myself daily in my many roles to serve my family and others...with a good attitude...a joyful know, like Jesus would if He were to switch places with me.

After all this is my ultimate (and ever-reaching goal)...for me (my words, actions, thoughts, and attitude) to look like Jesus if he had to do what I was doing.

When I ask myself..."If Jesus was a wife/mom/homemaker, what would he do, and how would he do it?" I think on some of the things listed in this prayer, so I offer it back up to Him knowing He will help me as I accomplish it.

I printed a copy and added it to my Prayer Journal! (I may also hang 1 on frig so I can cover myself more than once a day!) :-)

You can click here HERE to download a free copy of this prayer! (mentions "sons" instead of "children" if you have boys only)

You can click here HERE to download a free copy of this prayer! (mentions "children" if you have boys & girls)

Remember, God created you for His glory!

Miss Mom


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