Friday, November 8, 2013

Writing & Grammar Review: BJUP

Bob Jones University Press (BJUP) Writing & Grammar 2 Review
When I decided to take on the task of homeschooling my sons, my oldest was in first grade. Once he was home, I realized he retained grammar and he had wonderful ideas in conversation but when I asked him to write them on paper…he couldn’t. Mainly, because he had been taught to write through prompts and he could not “run with an idea” if there was not a prompt to guide him. I have no issue with prompts, per se, but I do believe a child should be able, should be taught rather to transition the thoughts and ideas from his head to paper without a melting down, freaking out, or giving up.
In my search for curriculum to assist us, I found many things that would be great for him if only he was a third grader or a six grader. The point here is, I could not find anything that worked on the process and mechanics of writing for someone his age. Then, I stumbled across BJU Press’ Writing & Grammar workbook.  It gave me exactly what I was looking for at the time.

What is it all about?
BJU Press offers an inviting approach (that I especially think caters to younger children/writers) of alternating grammar and writing chapters to encourage the child to utilize his grammar skills in his writing in a real-life way. The work text pages are colorful with organized content on each page for visual stimulation and lots of color with kid-friendly pictures.
Each lesson helps to build the child’s accuracy and fluidity building their confidence in writing. The program also reveals biblical knowledge and truths in each lesson with scripture and subtle application. This specific design is available in grades 2-6 of BJU Press’s Writing & Grammar curricula.
Grammar Chapters
Each chapter focuses on a theme, such as, travel, sports, or animals. Practice sentences and teaching methods are consistent with the theme allowing the child to grasp it smoothly and learn new vocabulary. The parent has the opportunity to discuss the theme and all other included components. I took the time to review all the grammar chapters prior to beginning so I could better prepare myself for each theme to teach a fun and engaging lesson. In the “writing handbook” portion of the text, there are several grammar songs and guides to assist you in teaching writing in a more enjoyable way.
Writing Chapters
Each chapter included a specific type of writing while walking the child through the five steps of the writing process: planning, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing. In the publishing stage, BJU Press has themed, lined paper for your child to write his final version on. My son loves how “cool” the paper is and he looks forward to hanging it on the refrigerator and later in his writing notebook where we keep a collection of his final copies. In the “writing handbook” section there are also graphic organizers to assist the child in breaking down their writing into smaller steps. I used this as an opportunity for me to model how to write for him. I would complete the organizer as if I were the student ahead of time. Then, I would show him how I did it and we would discuss it. He enjoyed seeing my writing before he began on his.

Why we use BJU Press Writing & Grammar
·         Improvement: My son’s writing is really improving! Not only is his writing better his attitude towards writing is also.
·         Practice: We love the separation of “guided practice” vs. “independent practice.” In each lesson, the first page is guided practice where we walk through it together discussing the answers and why it’s the best choice. Then, we flip the page over for independent practice in which I tell him he has to at least attempt the first section on his own. I check it and then I “okay” him to move on to the next section.
·         Application: I like that in each independent practice section BJU Press offers him a chance to use the skill in his writing for 1 or 2 simple sentences.
·         Review: At the end of each chapter, there is a chapter review and a cumulative review. The chapter review reflects back over all things learned and discussed in that specific chapter and the cumulative review reflects back over all things taught from that chapter including all previous chapters as well.
·         Self-correction: I like seeing my son self-correcting his own writing as he reads it aloud during the revising and proofreading stages.
·         Teacher’s CD: We enjoy some of the neat writing and grammar puzzles and games that are included on the CD. I especially like the review and extended learning exercises as well. Sometimes when we are on school break, I will print of a few puzzles or games for us to have fun with so he is not “sitting” on his learning and loosing it.

This is our second year using BJU Press’ Writing & Grammar texts and we are major fans. I could not find another writing curriculum provider that offered alternating grammar and writing for young, inexperienced writers. I was leaping for joy when he could write a solid book report, a poem and a make-believe story (to name a few) with fluidity and an understanding of what parts of the writing are included and how apply it. As a former teacher of writing and composition, BJU Press gets a seal of approval from me!

Please visit BJU Press Homeschool to gain more information about the company including their products, sample lessons, and how to purchase.

Blessings, Miss Mom


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