Wednesday, October 23, 2013

10 Things I Love About My Husband

Today during my meditation time, I read a blog article by Melissa from A Virtuous Woman. The title: Wives Submit to Your Husbands.

I thoroughly enjoyed the information and I was blessed by what came of it. (Thanks, Melissa)

One of the "assignments" was to list 10 things you love about your husband. I was intrigued to discover what would "come out of me" if I stopped right then and wrote my list "on the fly", so that is exactly what I did.

Here is the list (in the order I jotted away...)

1. I love that my husband is an excellent provider.
(Seriously, this man will do anything to make sure we are okay.)
2. I love the way my husband fathers our sons.
(As a fatherless man, he is doing one HECK of a job.)
3. I love how funny my husband is.
(This man makes me laugh even when I do not want to!)
4. I love the compassion/help he demonstrates/give for/to others.
(He once saw a single lady placing a boxed bike in her car. He saw her struggling to get it in and offered her help. Once he found out she was buying it for her son (and she confirmed there was no man at home) he offered to assemble it for her right there in the parking lot! He thought that it should be "ready-to-ride" for the boy!)--My heart still bleeds at this one.
5. I love that my husband is a history buff.
(I love that while I am watching "Jeopardy" or reading the Bible or teaching History to my sons I can always pause, ask my husband a question (about any period in history) and he has an answer for us!)
6. I love how well my husband interacts with children.
(I really think his calling involves kids! When I met him ran an entire after school program...just him and a director. Since then he has become a teacher and a coach.)
7. I love my husband's confidence.
(Yep, he thinks he can do anything...and look good while doing it! My kind of man!)
8. I love the way my husband looks.
(Here is a secret about me...I love men's facial hair. It's just me. In my mind, it's a distinguishing factor between men and women. I never have to doubt the sex of a person when they come in with a full face of hair! It is so masculine. All that to say, my husband grew of full beard because I asked. And I could not be more in love...)
9. I love that my husband is not a quitter.
(He will figure out 1,001 ways to figure something out...quitting is just not in his DNA.)
10. I love that my husband is easy to please.
(One of my favorites! This man pretty much says, "yeah, that'll work"  or at least a "I'll give a try"with almost anything I present him with.)

Make your list now! 
What are the 10 things you love about your husband?
 (Share in the comments if you like!)

Remember, God created you for His glory!

Miss Mom

Friday, October 18, 2013

Pre-Reading Book Hunt


I find that sometimes it's best to dive into a book once you have a little time "getting to know it!" To help my sons gain an understanding of some general book info, (parts of a book, considering the title and cover page, etc), I created this pre-reading book hunt for them. Now, I am sharing with you and your homeschool family! There is also a teaching guide attached to assist the teacher. (Link is below.)

Have Fun (Pre) Reading!

The pre-reading book hunt is a freebie 
through the month of October.

Remember, God created you for His glory!

Miss Mom

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Character: Teachable Hearts

It's week 3 of my Character Series and this week we studied  having a TEACHABLE heart.  Teach your children that part of being teachable is a willingness to learn. When we learn things, we experience growth. Let's not stifle our progression due to an unteachable heart. No one knows everything, but each of us knows something. 

My sons and I have had a great time defining and discussing our character traits with what the Bible asks us to do.

For peacemaking, my oldest son says, "Wait, so Jesus wants us to get along with EVERYbody?" (Noticing that he had some work to do!)

For teachable, my sons both admit they sometimes have an attitude and they will work on that. I even admitted it myself! Even the Bible tells us that no discipline is fun at the time, so we all agreed that this one is the toughest yet!

For diligence, I have witnessed both of  my "men-in-training" step it up in the area of chores and schoolwork, wanting to please the Lord, since after all, the Bible tell us to work for Him. 

I am noticing that the flaws I saw in my sons (even myself sometimes) weren't due to a disrespect or carelessness to the Word but to the ignorance of it. Once they learned what the Bible commands us to do, what the Lord expects, and the blessings attached, they aimed to get in line...and me too! 

Character training is so valuable because not only does it please the Lord it also builds relationships! Real characters helps us to avoid offended others unnecessarily. 

As you know, you can visit  Blessed Beyond a Doubt. for a graphic organizer to print for your children to have them fill in for each day of the week (Mon-Fri) during your school time. 

Click HERE to download your free copy of  the plan and do not forget to visit Blessed Beyond a Doubt for the organizer. (Join me next week for "Content" Character Training!) 

Missed a week?

Remember, God created you for His glory!

Miss Mom

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Character Training: Peacemaker

If you have been following my Character Series you know I am HUGE on character. As the mother and homeschool teacher of all boys, I consider character training vital and I recognize my responsibility to teach my sons how to become excellent men, husbands, and fathers. My ultimate motherhood mission is to raise the quality of man that I would want my  daughter to find (if I had one!) 

As you know, you can visit  Blessed Beyond a Doubt. for a graphic organizer to print for your children to have them fill in for each day of the week (Mon-Fri) during your school time. I typically decide on a character trait for us to study for the week. My goal is to provide families with the information beforehand (and all planned out) so there is one less issue to have interfering with application and consistency of character training.

This week was PEACEMAKER! Teach your son (or daughter) to avoid drama, conflict, and strife unnecessarily  Being a peacemaker will help your children get along better with their siblings, friends, future spouse, and....(wait for it)....YOU, as the parent. Last week, I watched my oldest check his own temper, mood, and volume as he remembered how to act like Jesus by keeping and following peace. My prayer is that you witness the same with your children. These are the reason we homeschool! To witness this good stuff!

Click HERE to download your free copy of the plan and do not forget to visit Blessed Beyond a Doubt for the organizer. (Join me next week for "Teachable" Character Training!) 

If you missed Week 1 Character Training: Diligence, click on the title to view the post and grab your info!

Remember, God created you for His glory!

Miss Mom