Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mission & Vision Statements

It’s that time again! Back to school planning. Join me for 7 days of planning your homeschool!

Day 1: Annual Mission Statement

The first item you want to plan is your mission! Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? What do you need to learn this year? Where are you falling short at? What can you do differently?

Each year I try to commit to seeking a mission for our family and homeschool. Our vision is pretty much standard. It’s what we do daily and what we aim to achieve. (If you do not a vision, write one!)

Your vision says this: after it’s all said and done, the kids are graduating and leaving, the books are all packed away, and the homeschool classroom is becoming a memory, what do you hope to envision in your children (as people and students)? Your family? You? That’s your vision!

The mission, however, changes depending on your family’s needs, desire, and dynamics. This school year, we are working on maturity of character and peace. (I am finding that with raising sons, character is extremely imperative.) What will you and your family work on this year?

I believe every family should seek a vision and then create mission each year for growth and strength as a unit and individually. This is not a “homeschool” thing; it’s a “family” thing. However, because homeschooling requires so much time spent with family I believe it’s vital for those families.

Remember, to keep your mission and vision statements some place in the home where everyone can view it. I like to print mine on pretty paper and store in a frame.

Here is ours:

Family Mission Statement 2013-2014
To become more like Christ by maturing in character: (Time management, self-control, honesty, and gratefulness.) We aim to fall more in love with God’s Word as we seek Him for His purpose, peace, and power in our lives.

Family Verse: Those who love Your law (the Word of God) have great peace and nothing causes them to stumble. (Psalm 119:165)

Family & Homeschool Vision Statement
To raise sons of God useful to His kingdom; while preparing them spiritually, morally, academically, and socially for life, family, and business.

Motherhood Vision Statement
To be “the woman” our sons will look for in seeking their wives.

Family Motto: Dominate!

Join me tomorrow for “Planning Your Homeschool Day 2: Curriculum Choice”


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