Monday, September 23, 2013

Encouraging Reading

Oh, Reading! Many kids have the "all or n'all" syndrome with reading. They are either all in or kicking and screaming all the way to the books. Whether you have an avid reader or a reluctant one, these tips and incentives should be fruitful. Your book worm will appreciate you for giving him/her more to read and your less-than-motivated reader will find some confidence.

Here are some methods and incentives that I have used in my home to either prepare my children in reading, maintain their reading, and/or ensure they are reading everyday. I have a four year old who can read on his level. I also have a seven year old who can read well beyond his grade level and comprehends on the 3rd-4th grade level depending on the book. The list starts with the youngest ages and progress to older ages. (So if you have older children, keep scrolling.) :-)

1. Attach word cards on some popular places in your home. For example, we place the "sofa" card on the sofa, "microwave" card on the microwave and "toys" card on his/her toy bin. This helps your readers see the words they use everyday. Here is a SITE where you can print some cards for yourself. 

2. Place sight words magnets on your refrigerator. When your kids begin to show signs of reading readiness they will attempt to read the words. If they are already learning how to read, encourage them to read the words they know and recognize and take a chance on some! My boys can grab a snack from of frig if they read a sight word/vocab word on their level. (My oldest has mastered all of his sight words so he has his vocab/spelling words in its place right now.)

3. Leave notes! We own a whiteboard and I leave daily messages that they have to read. I can write a message consistent with their reading level. I also try to include a current sight word/spelling word or extra exposure and practice. I also type or hand write little notes for them through out the day. Sometimes it's a love note, other times it's directions, or a schedule, or a cool fact. (I also use Bible verses to inspire my cool facts.)

If you have boys, they will love you for writing down "cool facts!" I hang them on sticky notes anywhere I know they will find: bathroom mirror, frig, microwave, TV screen, etc. 

Listed below are some examples of how we do it:

Example: "Hey Peanut! Did you know that zebras are apart of the horse family?" I am not sure why, but they think info like that is soooooooo cool (Ok, I was  quoting my son there!)

Bible Verse Inspiration: "Hey! Did you know that King Solomon talked about lizards? Grab your Bible and read Proverbs 30:28 to find out what he said!"

By far, my kids are major fans of the love notes and cool facts notes. The schedule notes are popular if they have been awaiting a big day. For instance, on field trip days they tend to rush to the whiteboard to see what is all involved for the day! (This helps them count time too!)

4. Let them read the mail! Of course, I pre-read our mail, but if it is something that I deem not a big deal and I am sure it will not render more questions than I can answer; I let them go at it. They feel super important that they can read "adult mail" and they try REALLY hard to do a good job. After a few times, they look forward to it and they are hunting you down about when they can read the mail again. (Gotcha, Kid!) 

5. Pen Pals! This will encourage reading and writing! Both of my sons love to read mail that comes in from their pen pals. It is a sure way to get some concentrated writing time and get them excited about reading. A pen pal can be a cousin from our of town or a friend they had to leave due to a move. It can also be a child of your long-distance friend. Be creative!

6. Free Hawks Tickets! Say no more! Shoot, I will read for free basketball tickets! If your child can read 5 books, they can earn a free Hawks ticket. We took advantage of this last year and my son was all over it! The deadline may have passed now, but contact your local library for this amazing incentive. In the meantime, click the link HERE for more information. We cannot wait to attend our free game this year when the season returns. (See link below.)

7. Free Pizza! Do you have a pizza lover? My youngest is a bonafide pizza lover! Pizza Hut's Book It program offers free personal pans as your child reads. We enjoyed free personal pans just last week courtesy of their reading program. (See link below.)

8. Menu Reading! When we attend sit-down restaurants, my boys have to read their menus and tell me what they want to eat. This is another one that they are all over as well. They wait so patiently for the waiter to hand them their menus so they can dive into reading it. My rule is: "if you want to eat, you'll read!" Now of course, I am going to feed them regardless but I figure I will milk this as long as I can. :-)
When the waiter comes back, I allow them to order in there" best speaking voice" (may as well work on speaking skills too, all these things come together the older they become.

9. Directions and Exits! My oldest son is quite the navigator. When we are going anywhere that I need the GPS for I will print the directions ahead of time for him. (He asks me for it now.) Once we get in the car, he reads the directions and leads the way. (Of course, I have already looked them over and my GPS is still there.) However he is anxious to read and he gains confidence (not to mention leadership skills) in getting us to our destination well. We make a game out of the exits and he reads as many as he can, especially the one we need to take. 

10. Movie/TV synopsis! I do not think there is a child alive who has not asked to see a particular movie or TV show. My sons know my "reading rule" to this. As  long as it is a picture we allow them to see, they can watch it once they have read the synopsis out loud to me. For TV, the TV guide offers the synopsis. For movies, we use the Internet to look it up.

In other words, I want to surround them with reading and show  them they must read to do anything they want to do.

If you have pre-readers or early readers, please visit my post titled "Phonics Snapshot."

Miss Mom
"Training Up Men..."


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